Make Money on YouTube Join the YouTube Partner Program Now

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Web; YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day.
Creators upload 400 hours of video every minute and can monetize their content on YouTube.
Feiyr artists have already earned millions in YouTube ad revenue. You too can make money on YouTube!
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Feiyr & YouTube – Facts & Figures

Partner Channels


Video Uploads




YouTube Partner Programm - Make Money on YouTube

Upload a video to your YouTube channel
Connect your YouTube channel to the Feiyr Multi Channel Network
Run ads on your videos
Make money on YouTube

Requirements to your YouTube channel:

Compliance with the requirements for monetisation
Regular upload of content
Upload of original content
No active copyright strikes

Earn Money from Advertisements Served on Your Videos

Opt in for Feiyr’s YouTube Partner Program, earn money from your videos and get paid directly into your Feiyr account.

How Much Money Can I Make on YouTube?

How much YouTube pays you involves an algorithm that takes into account a variety of factors: the actual click rate, watch time etc. By opting in for Feiyr’s YouTube Partner Program, you can positively influence these factors. The Feiyr network has a solid following on its channels – this gets your videos in front of more viewers.
Get Started!
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