Q-Walker alias Martin Wawrzyniak started 2004. His first contact with the music was a beginning of the eighties. After he got as a gift a guitar of his mother and a few years a classical music school visited, he composed in his schoolboy's group beginning of the nineties own pieces. Later he played in different music groups in the direction of Rock / Metal / Alternative and Grunge to him himself to the electronic music genre prescribed and in 1996 bought his first synthesizer. Bit by bit he armed his studio and to become active began also as a DJ. The first publications of his tracks under different pseudonym like Electronutz, RuhrpottRockerz and productions for G-Clubber followed. After all, he always wanted to have his own label to be realised and founded Space Investigation in 2016. In the area Dark Techno, Space Techno, Tech House, trance Techno, progressive House and Minimally he feels in his element.
For bookings q-walker@party.ms
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