Elektrowall, was created by Metin Akarkan and Dj.Tetanoise in Istanbul in the year 2012. it includs the styles of House,Tribal House and Progressive House music. it's a project witch wants to show there own style of electronic music that gives pozitive effections.Thanks.
Elektrowall, Metin AKARKAN ve DjTetanoise tarafından 2012 yılı baslarinda Istanbul'da olusturulmus, icerisinde House, Tribal House ve Progressive House stillerini barindirmaktadir. Elektronik muzik akiminda "yenilikci, pozitif etkiler" olusturmayi ve kendi tarziyla farkli, kalici etkiler yaratmayi hedefleyen bir projedir.
Metin Akarkan
DJ Tetanoise
Kaya Akarkan
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