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Account Verification

Here you will find instructions on how to fully activate and confirm your Feiyr account.

  1. enter your phone number, as it will be needed later for withdrawals.

  2. enter your residential or business address, as it is required for billing and crediting.
    After entering your address, a letter will be sent to you with a PIN that you will need to enter into your Feiyr account to confirm.

    Alternatively, you can upload your ID and a document to address verification to bypass the letter.
    For example, you can upload an electricity or phone bill from the last 3 months,
    a letter from a bank or government agency, or the complete back page of your ID card,
    as long as your name and address are clearly visible.

  3. Read the licence agreement carefully and confirm it.

  4. pay the activation fee via the provided Link.

  5. you can now optionally enter your bank details to facilitate future payments.

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