"The V Empire" is an indie music band born in 2012, on ashes of 2 band (Black Horizon and Nuno) who played in the same basement of a small building in Andria (Italy). The members are John K (vocals, keyboards, programming), Scary M.(guitars, synth and loop) and Mr.Fabius (drums ,percussions, bass). "The V Empire" music is inspired by a lot of pop-rock bands and various musicians ( U2, Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, Nick Drake, Genesis -with Peter-, RHCP, NIRVANA).The sound is a mix of pop, rock and industrial melodies and contaminations. The band is playing rehearsal in a country-house built in 15th century. The romantic and quiet atmosphere of the villa in the middle of country influenced the V Empire sound so rich of reverb, delay and piano.
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