Label Info

Am Dabstyk started in early 2013, with the aim of creating an independent space where you can compose and mix dance music. Its components have a long career for the dance floor, in the studio and on the FM waves.

The main purpose of Am Dabstyk is always to the public and to give a dynamic show, full of electronic sounds and vocal melodies. Through collaboration with other artists, this training will brings a new understanding of the show and the staging, full of images and different sounds.

This Label has worked with artists such as Albert Dalas, Manu Diaz, Alberto Martinez, Aaron Mayk, Nadine C, Tyler Phoenix, Rate, Emily, and others.


Alberto Martinez

Alberto Martinez

Manu Diaz

Manu Diaz

Tyler Phoenix

Tyler Phoenix





Nadine C

Nadine C

Aaron Mayk

Aaron Mayk


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