It was born in 2015 having as a motto "Your Big Band, Swing and Trad Jazz Label" - Today, we have a brand new Mission Statement: To produce and disseminate this kind of jazz music by lesser known artists who are as good or better than the stars.
Also this company will be eclectic in terms of genres but will not indulge in music, which is purely commercial. We will produce music of high character and emphasis will be on music with strong statements either instrumentally or with lyrics.
In other words: music as art, not cheap entertainment for the masses.
In My Ashes
Fabio Pasqua
Crazy Stompin' Club
CSC Records® di Bernardi Angelo
Casa Discografica
via G. Volpe 57 (Paganica) - 67100 L'Aquila (AQ)
Tel. +39 345 0534437 – email:
Partita Iva: IT 01950060663 – C.F.: BRNNGL71H02A345K
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