„Tatort“ Commissar Peter Sodann reads selected bible passages

The audio book publishing company Buchfunk has won Peter Sodann over for reading selected bible passages.
The actor was known as Commissar Bruno Ehrlicher from the "Tatort" series and determined in Leipzig in 45 cases. At the moment, he can be seen in the television series "Dahoam is Dahoam" as a guest actor.

The two-part audio book series " Die Bibel - NT - Peter Sodann liest ausgewählte Bibeltexte " and "Die Bibel - AT - Peter Sodann liest ausgewählte Bibeltexte " deals with specific passages from the New and the Old Testament, including for example the Christmas story or the Ten Commandments.

Of course, this great audio book will be distributed through Feiyr.com and it will be available in all current online stores at 30th July.

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