NEW! Print on Demand - Turn Your eBook Into A Print Book

As of now, you can not only sell your eBook through Feiyr but also your print book with the print on demand process. Currently, 13 out of 14 sold books are print books. Thanks to our strong international sales network your book will be available in book retailing in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as well as in all big online shops, such as Amazon, Thalia, Hugendubel, Weltbild & Co.

Your advantages with a distribution through Feiyr:
• You as the author determine the selling price
• No advance payments for printing costs
• No contractual obligation
• Permanent availability in the book trade

Do you still have questions about the Print on Demand procedure? Please contact our support team.

Start with Feiyr and publish your eBook and book in just a few steps.
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