Timatic wins JBB 2018 Final

We congratulate Feiyr artist Timatic on his victory in JuliensBlogBattle 2018 and beating 32 other participants in a total of 5 rounds.

Timatic (Gerardo Güler) is a German rapper and qualified for the first time surprisingly as a complete nobody in JBB 2015 and made it to the quarter finals. In 2016 he was already eliminated in the 32nd final. However, this year he finally had his breakthrough and won the final against Herr Kuchen. On the 30th of December 2018, the big King final against the reigning King EnteTainment will take place. If Timatic wins this, his prize money of € 3.000,-- will be matched by € 4.000,-- on top.

JuliensBlogBattle is a cult video battle tournament that took place for the first time in 2012. It offers unknown rappers a platform in front of a large audience and serves as a steppingstone for their own music career. Feiyr artist Neo Unleashed also made it to the finals of the JBB 2015 and became well known.

Here you can listen to his new single.
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