New Promo Tool: Spotify & YouTube Ads

Very often we are confronted with the question of what to do to boost sales of a release. Besides the indispensable practices of direct marketing on social media, there are now two more helpful campaign tools you should consider: Spotify & YouTube Ads.

These services are all about promoting your publication or video directly on the aforementioned platforms via an ad placement. In the case of Spotify Ads, a banner with an audio message is proposed to Spotify's freemium customers. You can either create the spot yourself or let us create it for you.
In the case of YouTube Ads campaign, your music video will be suggested to users who have already interacted with your channel or watched a video by similar artists.

The advantages of this type of campaign are obvious: on the one hand, you place the ad where your potential listeners already are - directly on the platforms. On the other hand, you place the creation of the campaign in the hands of a professional marketing team, which strives to deliver the ad precisely to your target audience and will also contact you afterwards with an evaluation, as well as further recommendations for action.

Further information about the campaigns and prices can be found here:
Spotify Ads:
Spotify Ads
YouTube Ads: YouTube Ads
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