Feiyr News

Out Now! the New Audio Book by Adel Abdel-Latif
Dr. Adel Abdel-Latif is a multi-entrepreneur, doctor, investor and Spiegel bestselling author. He himself says:

"With my alpha-mindset, my wealth of experience and my in-depth knowledge, I will show you how you too can dominate your life as a lion."

In his audio book, he shows you how you too can consistently ...
New Features for Spotify for Artists
The Spotify Analytics platform, which has been available to labels so far, will soon be transferred to the Spotify for Artists platform. If you already have access to Spotify Analytics with your label, please keep an eye on your email inbox for the Spotify for Artist invitation which should arrive in the next few days (if it hasn't already happened).

Finally, Spotify for Artists provides you with all statistics for the labe...
New eBook Tool: In-Book Promotion
From now on a new eBook promotion tool is at your disposal. The tool "In-Book-Promotion" offers you the option to automatically embed adverts for more of your titles on the last pages of your eBook.

You can add up to five additional eBooks per title. The titles do not have to be from the same author, but from the same publisher. The portals then automatically embed your advertisement on the last pages.

Out Now! HOME - the New Album by MORE THAN WORDS
MORE THAN WORDS is the band of German singer Stefanie Hertel, daughter Johanna Mross and husband Ver más
Feiyr goes Leipziger Buchmesse 2020
We are already in the midst of preparations for the Leipzig Book Fair and are looking forward to all the great encounters and conversations.

Do we already know each other personally? Or would you like to discuss your new project with us? Then get in touch with us and we will arrange an appointment so that we can find ...
Your Spotify Release on Snapchat and Facebook Stories
Spotify has recently launched two new social features, in order to share your songs more easily on social media platforms.

With only one click fans and artists can share customized posts featuring any song, album, playlist, artist page or podcast to Facebook Stories and Snapchat. If your content is shared, users can tap on the post and are forwarded to Spotify to have a better look at it.

The Snapchat integration ...
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