Label Info

E Go East Records is a Macedonian-based independent record label, which was started in 2006. It is dedicated to helping alternative artists from Macedonia that had been underestimated by the local media get their chance at recording and releasing good quality recordings of their work. The catalog ranges from electronic music to more classical stiles, including a Progressive rock instrumental trio "Kalap", Indie Rock bands with strong avaunt-guard influences like Guitar and Drums duo "SIZ", veterans "T.B.Tracheri" and "The Kings Of Idle". More prevalent stiles that the label is leaning towards recently are Dub, Reggae and Drum n' Bass music, crossed with the musical traditions of the region. The most popular artist that has come out of the label tho is an Electro-Pop band "Bei the Fish" that has enjoyed some success with several tours realised in West-European countries.




Bei The Fish

Bei The Fish



La Colonie Volvox

La Colonie Volvox

The Kings of Idle

The Kings of Idle


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