Frankfurter Buchmesse 2017 – Join Us! Booth K32 / Hall 3.0

The international Frankfurter Buchmesse will take place from 11 to 15 October.

This year too, there are good reasons to participate – authors, publishers and readers will be gathering at the Frankfurter Buchmesse to network and discover what is new in the business.

Nowhere else in the world does the publishing and media industry show itself from a more diverse, innovative and international side than during these five days in October.

Feiyr & Nova MD will attend the Frankfurter Buchmesse! Come by our booth K32 in the hall 3.0.

Delve into the Frankfurter Buchmesse’s world and find out more about our book distribution service!

Arrange an appointment and join us at our booth:
Marleen Olschewski
+49 (0) 861 166 17-31

Feiyr & Nova MD team attending the book fair:
Marleen Olschewski
Giulia Penni
Lisa Wirth
Armin Wirth
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