Become a successful artist
with self-publishing

Feiyr is the ideal self-publishing platform for becoming a successful independent self-published author. As a self-publisher, you use all the possibilities of professional online distribution: you act as a self-publisher, so to speak.

We supply mehr than 165 shops, including the best-known stores such as Amazon Kindle, the iBooks Store from iTunes, the Tolino Alliance (Weltbild, Thalia, Hugendubel), Apple and many more. [Millions of potential readers worldwide therefore have access to your eBook. As an author or self-publisher, you remain independent and flexible.
Register for free

eBook Self Publishing at Amazon, Thalia & more with Feiyr

Write your book
Upload your data to
Your eBook in all shops to download
Earn money with your eBook

The Advantages of Self-Publishing

As an independent author, you have full control:

• Of course, copyright remains with you
• You're the boss: you decide the title, price, cover, etc.
• 80 % of the net proceeds* paid to us go to you
• You choose how many eBooks you write and publish

We are only entitled to place your title online in online portals such as iBookstore, Amazon Kindle, Tolino Allianz, etc. on your behalf and make it accessible to millions of potential readers worldwide.

Self-Publishing Service Inclusive

Even as a self-publisher, there are some important things to consider in the book business. Every work needs an ISBN number We at Feiyr take care of that. If you have written your work in a word processing program such as Word - no problem!

We convert your work into ePUB format
This is absolutely necessary so that it can be opened on all readers (Amazon Kindle, etc.). This way, nothing stands in the way of marketing your title online.

Whether it's a children's book, a novel, a non-fiction book or an audio book - Feiyr ensures the right performance in the online business.

80% of the net sales* for the Selfpublisher

As practical as the entire online distribution is, earning money as an indie author with Feiyr is just as easy!

80% of the net proceeds are credited directly to your Feiyr account. If you want to publish a new edition of your title, change the price, or make other updates, we will forward these updates to the online stores free of charge for you.

A couple of easy steps to being a Selfpublisher

Self-publishing is quick and easy with Feiyr. The first step is to register. Create your user account, upload your eBook and your cover - and your path to success as an independent author can begin.

There are more than 165 online platforms on which you can offer your eBook in this way. Your ePub file can be uploaded and published in the online stores in no time at all.

A huge advantage for you as an independent author!

Your own print book

Would you like to use all channels for book distribution and offer your own book through brick-and-mortar bookstores?

Then you have the option of having your book printed and bound by a book printer and marketing it completely independently via our partner Nova MD.

The digital book market is growing
steadily, but the print book has a long tradition and still has the largest market share.

Physical book distribution - Your advantages

- bold]Daily delivery to the book trade in the DACH region
- bold]Free ISBN - free listing in the VLB
- No shipping costs, no storage fees
- bold]No monthly or annual fees, no return fees
- Real-time sales figures in your Feiyr account
- bold]Monthly billing and payout

Send your non-binding Vertriebsanfrage to Nova MD today!
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