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YouTube Music / Google Play / Topic Videos

If you activate the shops Google Play or YouTube Music (these two shops have been combined by Google) when you publish your release, a topic channel or a topic video in full length for each track will be created automatically by the delivery to YouTube Music, which can then also be found on YouTube. Revenue is generated through advertising and subscriptions, 80% of which will go to your Feiyr account. If you don't want this, please exclude the shops Google Play / YouTube Music when publishing your releases. It is not possible to delete topic videos or channels in your Feiyr account, because a takedown for individual shops is unfortunately not possible. If a topic video has been published in the wrong topic channel, please contact Youtube-Support@feiyr.com.

To request an upgrade to the Official Artist Channel (where the topic videos will be relegated to the background as they will be integrated into your YouTube channel), please send the link to your YouTube channel and your topic channel to the Feiyr YouTube Support.

You can also find more information here.
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