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Can I distribute high resolution audio files via Feiyr?

Yes! We distinguish between two types of Hi Res Audio in the Feiyr system:
HD: Files with 24 bit/44.1 kHz
HD+: Files with 24 bit and a sample rate of at least 48 kHz and more.

What is High Resolution (Hi Res) Audio?
"High Resolution Audio (Hi Res)" describes high-resolution audio material. However, there are no uniform guidelines on what Hi Res means in practice. Most portals usually deliver wav or flac files in 16bit and with a sample rate of 44.1 khz. Everything that goes beyond these values is usually already called Hi Res Audio in the streaming age.

How can I publish High Res files via Feiyr?
There is no separate publishing process for Hi Res Audio. You can upload your files normally to your release. The system will then automatically recognise whether the file is HD or HD+ and mark it accordingly.

Why are there additional fees for the delivery of Hi Res Audio?
There are no additional costs for the delivery of HD files. For the distribution of HD+ files we charge € 0.19 extra per track. Files with this resolution are usually much larger than usual. This requires additional resources from us for storage and delivery.

What happens if a portal cannot accept my Hi Res files?
Those portals that cannot process a certain file format usually convert the audio files into their standard format on their own.

Which portals can currently play back High Res Audio?
In principle, it must be stated that the categorisation of what is understood as "high resolution", "high definition" or "hi-fi audio" varies from portal to portal. So there is no uniform approach here.

Apple Music:
All files with at least 24 bit and 44.1 khz are referred to as "Apple Digital Masters".

Amazon Music:
Amazon HD: 16 bit/44.1 kHz
Ultra HD: 24 bit with 44.1 to 192 kHz

TIDAL HiFi: 1411kbps or 16bit/4.1kHz
TIDAL HiFi Plus: up to 9216 kbps or 24 bit and 44.1 to 192 kHz

24bit 96 to 192 kHz

24bit 96 to 192 kHz

Can I also publish audio books and radio plays with high res files?
In principle yes, but many audio book portals do not accept high resolution audio files. We therefore advise against creating audio books and audio plays with files with more than 16bit or 44.1khz, as this means that certain stores cannot be supplied.
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