iTunes Radio

Today, we have late-breaking news for you. We always strive to make your sales more
transparent, to enable this, you can now see the live sales of iTunes Radio.

iTunes Radio is Apples new streaming service, which got more than 11 million users within the first 4 days.
Initially, this service will only be available in the USA.

Our statistics will show you a lot of interesting information:
- Has your track been played in full lengths
- Has your track been liked (That means more tracks of this style will be played)
- Has your track been banned (That means less or no tracks of this style will be played)
- Did the user choose wished or unwished, that means he wants or he wants not your song on his wish list
In addition, you can also see how many listeners have bought your track and with which device they listened to it.

Do you already have iTunes Radio plays?
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