Tim David Weller - FIFA & Sony Music USA WM Song Contest 2014

Feiyr presents "Tim David Weller", whose song „Eyo Ole“ (published through Feiyr) caused sensation.

Tim known from DSDS (Deutschland sucht den Superstar), was finalist at Supersong Contest of FIFA and Sony Music USA for the world championship song for Ricky Martin. The song has been produced by Gwenael Damman, former bassist from Christina Stürmer, in Vienna and is available in all download-shops since 23rd May.

The demo for his self-composed song was supported all around the world. All the big radio stations played the demo for “Eyo Ole” with enthusiasm. Reporting and interviews followed on RTL and HR. The largest daily newspapers in German, such as the Bild, Focus, die Welt, etc. reported on the huge success of Tim David Weller.

Have a look at this talented artist:

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