ARD: Immer wieder sonntags - Feiyr presents "Ois Easy" and "Aline"

It will start this Sunday 15th June 2014 at 10 pm. Stefan Mross presents at ARD (a German TV Channel) "Immer wieder sonntags" a very successful German music show. It’s a mixture between German pop, folk and funny games. Furthermore the audience can take part at this TV show from home.

For this reason Feiyr wants to present you two artists, which published their music successfully through Feiyr and which will show their talent in this TV show:

"Ois Easy", a cover band located near Dachau with more than 15 years’ experience, they always want to excite their audience. Currently, they market their World Cup song „Wir holen den Pokal“ very successfully on the radio and TV as well as on YouTube with 80000 clicks within the first two weeks.

"Aline", a young talent with music running in her blood. She was invited to take part on Sunday at the popular TV show with Stefan Mross. With her bright song “Komm und flieg mit mir zu den Sternen“ she talks about the sparkling of a teenager love and inspires the audience.

Don’t miss it:

Feiyr Künstler - Ois Easy: iTunes / Amazon / Spotify

Feiyr Künstler - Aline: Amazon / Djshop

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