Update for Feiyr Link-it!

Our tool Feiyr Link-it! has enjoyed great popularity in the promotion of publications since its introduction.

We have recently expanded the functions of Link-it! and would like to briefly introduce you to the changes:

- From now on, you can also add your own links (e.g. to your website) with a custom icon and user-defined call-to-action text
- If you have also entered links to social media for the artist of the release, these are now integrated via their own icons under the cover artwork. You can enter or change the social media links in the contributor management.
- Link-it! orders can now also be created in the pre-sale period. If we are provided with pre-sale links by the portals, these are also automatically integrated into Link-it!
- The design of Link-it! has been revised and improved again
- The changes affect all formats distributed by us: Music, audio books, audio plays, eBooks and physical products.

Have fun sharing your content via Link-it!

If you have any questions or feedback for us, please feel free to contact support at any time.
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