The Feiyr App is Here!

After an intensive development phase, we are pleased to launch the first beta version of our new Feiyr app for mobile devices.

With the browser-based application, you can now easily check the status of your publication, current Live Trends, account balance, inbox or system messages on the go. If you have physical products, you can also view your stock levels at any time. Feiyr Link-it! jobs are also available for you to share.
And in the future, we will continue to transfer more and more tools from the Feiyr account to the mobile version, thus gradually expanding the app's range of features.

Go to to access the app.
After allowing your device to access the Feiyr account, you can also place the app on the home screen of your smartphone or tablet as usual.

If you encounter any problems using the app or would like to share feedback with us, please contact our support team.
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