Publish & Sell Your Audiobooks and Radio Plays Online

You want to sell your audiobooks and radio plays online? Feiyr's got you covered!

Get your audiobooks or radio plays into hundreds of online stores.
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Earn money with your own Audiobook

Feiyr - Digital Distribution for Audiobooks & Radio Plays

With our distribution service, you can market your audiobooks and radio plays successfully on iTunes & Co.

Here are just some of the advantages you will have:

- You keep 80% of your net profits*.
- There are no monthly or yearly costs.
- The publication fee is € 3.82 regardless of genre/selected shops.
- You have several promotion tools at your disposal (e.g. download codes and press releases).

Sell your audibook/radio play in more than 100 online stores world wide: iTunes, Amazon, audible, Spotify, Google Play, Tolino Alliance (Thalia, Weltbild, Hugendubel) and many more.

We have an amazing customer service from self-publishing experts.

Also, we offer a physical distribution service. Here you can find out more.

Sign up to Feiyr.

Distribution Partners

We cooperate with leading platforms worldwide to support your selfpublishing project in the best way possible.


How Do I Sell My Audiobook?

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