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RC013: Upper & Lowercase Letters

In principle, the new German spelling must be observed for all releases/tracks whose language is set to German. Only capital letters or lower case letters in the title are not permitted!

The following applies to other (metadata) languages:
English title: Please write all words with a capital letter at the beginning, except for:
a, an, and, as, at, but, by, for, from, in, into, nor, of, off, on, onto, or, out, over, so, the, to, up, with, yet

Apart from these lowercase words, the first and last word of releases/tracks in English should always be capitalized!

Spanish/Portuguese title:
Please capitalize all words except:
a, al, da, das, de, del, do, e, el, en, la, las, los, o, para, por, um, uma, un, una, y

In all other languages, please use the current spelling.

Check your release, and especially your tracks (title/version), to see if they meet these requirements.
The label name is exempt from this rule.
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