DAME - From zero to No. 9 position on iTunes album charts. No. 2 at Black Music

Recently, we reported on rapper "DAME", whose new album "Rap ist sein Hobby" was released on Feiyr.

We are therefore pleased to announce today, that the album managed to get from zero into the iTunes charts on its first day. Actually, he reached No. 9 on iTunes album charts and even No. 2 on iTunes black charts. In Austria the album even reached No. 2 on the iTunes album charts.

With his creative ideas and good implementation Dame seems to be one of the favorites in the hip hop scene currently. Moreover Dame will develop to an important player. Live will introduce DAMEs his new album in May, in line with an extensive tour in Austria and Germany. We wish DAME much success for the future.

DAME on iTunes

DAME on Spotify

DAME on Amazon
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