Feiyr Account: New Search Bar

We would like to introduce you to another new feature from our account: The Search Bar. As you may have already noticed, there is now a search field in the navigation bar at the top. This field allows you to search your account quickly: All you have to do is enter a keyword, then click on the right search result and you will immediately land on the page you want.

Need an example?

- You want to quickly find a release or track by a specific artist: Simply type the artist's name in the search field and all releases and tracks by the artist will be listed.
- You are looking for a specific promotion tool from our wide range of products: Type the corresponding keyword (e.g. press) into the search field and all menu items on this topic will be displayed.
- You need information about our system: The search function is also applied to our FAQs. Enter your search term (e.g. GEMA) and you will be shown all FAQ items on the topic. Our system news and news articles are also searched, allowing you to browse our archive for relevant articles on the topic.

If you have any questions, you can contact our Team at any time. Happy searching!
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