Delivery Deadlines eBooks, Audiobooks and Radio Plays

Once again this year, our partner stores in the eBooks, audiobooks and audio dramas sector are imposing delivery stops for products with release dates around Christmas and the turn of the year.
Therefore, please plan the delivery deadlines accordingly.
All eBooks that are to be published before Christmas or at the turn of the year must be completely created and published in your Feiyr account by Friday, December 01, 2018.
Since there is limited operation in our stores between the holidays, we recommend choosing a publication date after Monday, January 07, 2019 for all eBook publications after December 01, 2017.

Audiobooks and audio dramas
All audiobooks and audio plays that are to be released before Christmas or at the turn of the year must be completely created and published in your Feiyr account by Friday, November 16, 2018 at the latest.
Since our stores are only in limited operation between the holidays, we recommend choosing a release date after Monday, January 14, 2018 for all audiobook or radio play releases after November 16, 2018.

If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team.
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