Two New Feiyr Shop Partners: Beatsource & Nextory

We are welcoming two new shop partners in our distribution network: Beatsource & Nextory

Beatsource (for Music)
Beatsource is a joint venture between DJcity and Beatport to have a home for the global open-format and mobile DJ community. They have more than 35 years of experience to help create the next generation of DJ tools. Beatsource consists of three different key pieces:

- a new highly curated à-la-carte download store
- new DJ hardware and software integrations
- fully integrated promotional record pool subscription

Nextory (for Audiobooks, Radio Plays and eBooks)
Nextory is an online platform for audiobooks, radio plays and eBooks. You can listen or read them unlimited via a monthly subscription. You can download your audiobooks, radio plays and eBooks and listen to them on your device even when offline.

For both platforms your backstock will automatically be transmitted to Beatsource and Nextory.

If you do not want your already released content distributed through Nextory please contact the support team until the the 7th of January 2020.

For further questions, please contact our support team.
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