Feiyr x Alexa

'Voice search' is a hot topic in the music industry, because the technology, which is constantly learning by means of artificial intelligence, is considered to have great growth potential.

From now on, you can also retrieve important information regarding your Feiyr account via Amazon's voice software 'Alexa'. This includes, for example current live trends, playlists, system messages, the mailbox or current payout.
All you need to do is install the Alexa app on a device (e.g. smartphone or Amazon Echo) and connect it to your Feiyr account.

Then you can ask Alexa the following questions:

• To get the latest figures from your live trends, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, what are my statistics?"

• To have the latest Feiyr system news read out to you, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, what are the system news?"

• To check your Feiyr account for new messages, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, are there new messages?"

• To check your latest payout, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, when was my last payout?"

• To check if any of your songs are included in playlists on Apple Music or Spotify, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, are my songs in any playlists?"

• To find out what age most of your listeners have, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, how old are my listeners?"

• To find out what gender your listeners are, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, what's the gender of my listeners?"

• To find out where your listeners mainly come from, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, where are my listeners from?"

• To find out what your current most popular song is, say: "Alexa, ask my digital distributor, what is the most popular song?"

• To hear this help again, say: "Alexa, tell, my digital distributor I need help".
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