Marteria reaches Spotify Record in Germany

Top Streaming:
With his new album "Zum Glück in die Zukunft II" (Four Music / Sony Music Domestic) rapper Marteria places first in the top 100 Longplay list of Musikwoche and reaches a new record at the streaming service Spotify:

No album has been streamed as often as "Zum Glück in die Zukunft II" in its first week so far…
According to Spotify the titles of this album had in total more than 2.5 million streams in the period of 31st January – 6th February 2014.

The Single "Kids (2 Finger an den Kopf)" had more than 360,000 streams and "OMG!" almost 150.000. If you sum up all titles of Marteria, he has 4 million streams in total.

That shows how much potential and profit streaming services have, as example Spotify.

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