Feiyr.com: Your interface for digital and physical music marketing

Feiyr.com is your interface for digital and physical music distribution:
Our action is much more than only digital music distribution. With more than 20 years’ experience in the distribution of sound recording media, we have a worldwide established network of distribution channels. This is also valid for the vinyl sector which becomes more and more important.

With Feiyr you have the possibility to order a vinyl pressing, which will be after finishing in worldwide distribution of our partner www.vinyl-distribution.com. Also the selling will be perfectly covered with our exclusive mp3 and vinyl store www.djshop.de. Therewith Feiyr is your perfect partner for combining digital and physical publications.

Feiyr Vinyl-Pressing: http://www.feiyr.com/c/en/vinyl
Vinyl Distribution: http://www.vinyl-distribution.com
Djshop: http://www.djshop.de
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