Feiyr News

DAME - From zero to No. 9 position on iTunes album charts. No. 2 at Black Music
Recently, we reported on rapper "DAME", whose new album "Rap ist sein Hobby" was released on Feiyr.

We are therefore pleased to announce today, that the album managed to get from zero into the iTunes charts on its first day. Actually, he reached No. 9 on iTunes album charts and even No. 2 on iTunes black charts. In Austria the album even reached No. 2 on the iTunes album chart...
Google Play Music Service: nouveaux pays disponibles!
We are glad to inform you that Google Play Music will now also be available in Greece, Slovakia, Sweden and Norway!

From now on the Google Play Music Store, the "Cloud-Based Music Locker" as well as the "All Access Subscription Service" can be used in the named countries.

Google will make available the "All Access Service"...
Musique classique sur Feiyr: Bassiona Amorosa
"From popular classic to classically popular" – this is the motto of the new album Boundless by Bassiona Amorosa, distributed by feiyr.com

The ensemble, which stands out for its extraordinary instrumentation (four to eight contrabasses), is considered as internationally highly renowned. This is emphasized by the musician’s number of concerts, which even lead them to the New York Carnegie Hall.
Winter Music Conference 2014
For 29 times in a row the Winter Music Confereance will take place in Miami from 21st March – 30th March 2014.

The event is the central platform about the topic electronic dance music and it is a meeting place for professionals such as music producers, DJs, video artists, label managers and talent scouts from all over the world.

More than 100,000 visitors will participate in approximately 500 different events, wor...
Le nouveau album de DAME
Feiyr is glad to introduce you DAMEs new Album „Rap ist ein Hobby“.
The 24 years old rapper from Salzburg/Austria outruns international acts as well as local ones with his statistics.

He succeeded in being the second largest Austrian YouTube channel without help. The figures are significant: 40,000,000 clicks and more than 160,000 followers, and the trend continues...

His la...
Thalia reprend buch.de
Douglas daughter Thalia Holding will presumably take over the book and media retailer buch.de by 100%.

Thalia, which at the moment holds 95% of the buch.de shares, already announced the takeover through a so called “Squeeze Out” in December.

Meanwhile, the pay-off amount had been announced, it ought to be 8,76 € per share. A final decision is going to be made in the first half of April, at the next annual gene...
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