Increase Your eBook Sales on Amazon

Achieve more visibility for your eBook on Amazon in order to boost your sales! Through Feiyr you can easily advertise your eBooks with Amazon Marketing Services so more potential buyers can see your eBooks. Amazon has millions of products and buyers, which makes it hard sometimes to get the attention your book deserves.

You can choose between two options:

Headline Search Campaign
Headline Search Campagnes are keyword-based ads, which are shown on top of the very first search result page.

Sponsored Products Campaign
Sponsored Product Campagnes are also keyword-based ads, but are shown within the search results.

Users see those ads on all desktop and mobile devices as well as in the Amazon app. If a user clicks on the ad, they will be directly forwarded to the product detail page.

Book your Amazon Marketing Campaign for your eBook now and maximize your revenue!

Do you have questions? Please contact our professional support team.
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