Feiyr Press

Qui trovi la rassegna stampa e il nostro press kit con foto e biografia in inglese e tedesco.

Rassegna stampa

Kmag.co.uk : "Come creare una label digitale"

Kmag.co.uk : "Come creare una label digitale"

Amazing report of Kmag about label foundation and music publishing.

“Let’s assume you have an artist name, record-label, label logo & designs and especially good music, then it's time to have a look at how to start a digital record label and to publish your music…”

Read the full report: www.kmag.co.uk
Myspace.com: "Connetti con Feiyr"

Myspace.com: "Connetti con Feiyr"

Naturalmente, Feiyr è presente in Myspace.
Connettiti con Feiyr e sarai sempre aggiornato.

Aggiornamenti regolari, news, video e molto altro.

Link: Myspace/feiyr
Spex: "Vendi la tua musica con Feiyr"

Spex: "Vendi la tua musica con Feiyr"

The field-related magazine for pop culture Spex lately reported about the cheap and easy service of Feiyr.com.

With Feiyr you can offer your own music in online portals for sale.

Simply register, load up and publish your music.

Here you can read Spex’ complete report:
Spex Magazine
Keys.de: "Vendi musica con Feiyr"

Keys.de: "Vendi musica con Feiyr"

Hai prodotto musica interessante e non sai come venderla ?

bold]Feiyr è la soluzione perfetta per la musica, audio books, radio play e musica per bambini !

Musikmesse Francoforte: "Feiyr ci sarà"

Musikmesse Francoforte: "Feiyr ci sarà"

At the international Musikmesse (12th to 15th March 2014) trade visitors, professional and amateur musicians can inform about news and more at around 1,300 exhibitors from all over the world.

Feiyr presents therefor its range in the "music biz" Hall 5.1.

Find all information here: Musikmesse
Lifepr.de: "Fiera del Libro di Frankfurt - Feiyr presenta la distribuzione eBooks"

Lifepr.de: "Fiera del Libro di Frankfurt - Feiyr presenta la distribuzione eBooks"

Authors, self-publishers and smaller publishers take note!
E-book publishing made easy. Feiyr increases the chances of success for authors. Great marketing concept for e-books.


Press Kit


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The press kit (press texts and graphic resources) covers all relevant information around Feiyr. Pictures shown in our database are copyright-protected. Free use is only permitted for articles reporting on Feiyr and with denomination of the author. All other forms of use are strictly prohibited. Please contact us for any check back (bschuhboeck@dance-all-day.com).