Feiyr Press

Qui trovi la rassegna stampa e il nostro press kit con foto e biografia in inglese e tedesco.

Rassegna stampa

Facebook/Feiyr : "Ti diamo il benvenuto nel mondo digitale"

Facebook/Feiyr : "Ti diamo il benvenuto nel mondo digitale"

Feiyr è uno fra i più grandi distributori musicali a livello mondiale.
Feiyr pubblica la tua musica, libri audio per bambini, ebook e radio play, sugli stores online più importanti.

Fazemag.de: "Offer your music all over the world"

Fazemag.de: "Offer your music all over the world"

With Feiyr, you are able to present your music for your customers at nearly every device “worldwide”. On demand, Feiyr also supplies streaming services like Spotify, YouTube, Google Play or Rdio.
Labels like Stil Vor Talent, Kompakt or Get Physical are already using this distribution system.

Buchveroeffentlichen.com: "Miglior strumento di marketing per i creativi"

Buchveroeffentlichen.com: "Miglior strumento di marketing per i creativi"

Il tup eBook su oltre 160 negozi online :
Amazon, Ceebo, iBookstore, Kobo, Textunes, …
Il tuo guadagno è l' 80% del netto sui ricavi.

Geprueft.de: "I Clienti dicono ... Eccellente"

Geprueft.de: "I Clienti dicono ... Eccellente"

Feiyr is one of the best service provider in its line of business and has been awarded with 5 of 5 stars.
Amongst other things for quality, support, adherence to delivery dates, and value for money.

Presenta la tua musica con Feiyr

Presenta la tua musica con Feiyr

Connect your Soundcloud account with Feiyr and submit your tracks for free.
Feiyr Soundcloud Tracking makes sure that no one else uploads your songs to Soundcloud.
Choose if you want your track to be downloadable and commentable.

“We advertise our Soundcloud account in many different ways and the number of our followers is permanently increasing”

Feiyr opens big stage for small bands

Feiyr opens big stage for small bands

Check the actually report about Feiyr:
How works music marketing today?
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Press Kit


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Feiyr Press Kit Feiyr Pressekit Description Esegui download

Accordo di licenza

The press kit (press texts and graphic resources) covers all relevant information around Feiyr. Pictures shown in our database are copyright-protected. Free use is only permitted for articles reporting on Feiyr and with denomination of the author. All other forms of use are strictly prohibited. Please contact us for any check back (bschuhboeck@dance-all-day.com).

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