Feiyr Bought CD-Distributor Nova MD

German-based music distributor Feiyr.com acquired CD distributor Nova MD GmbH and expanded its distribution network adding a new physical distribution service. The CD and DVD aggregator was formerly based in Stuttgart, but it became part of DANCE OF ALL DAY GmbH after the acquisition at the beginning of this year. The parties have agreed not to reveal the purchase price.

Founded in 1999, Nova MD GmbH has always been a renowned physical distributor for independent labels that made a mark in the world of lounge music. “With the acquisition, Nova’s music catalogue will open up to new exclusive releases. In addition to electronic genres, Nova will strengthen its position in the music market offering releases of all music genres, as well as audiobooks and radio plays”, says Michael Althammer, Head of Label Management. Feiyr has the necessary infrastructure and logistics and can boast over 20 years’ of experience in music distribution. Thanks to its partnership with Phononet, and to its cooperation with partners such as Amazon, Media Markt, Saturn or Müller, Nova has the broadest possible distribution in the German market.

“CDs remain one of the main distribution methods in the music industry, and the advantages of Feiyr’s Nova acquisition are clear. We got very positive feedback from our partner shops, and this confirms growing demand for CDs”, Althammer emphasized. Along with the newly acquired CD distributor, the Bavarian company distributes both digital music and vinyl, and owns a download and a vinyl online store as well. Independent artists, labels and publishers are therefore offered with the greatest variety of services.
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