New Audio Book "Glücksgeschichten" by Biyon Kattilathu

Happiness stories “20 inspiring stories that changed my life” by Biyon Kattilathu
Children are told stories to fall asleep - adults are told stories to wake up...

On April 28, 2018, the latest audiobook “Happiness Stories (20 inspiring stories that changed my life)” by social media star Biyon Kattilathu (over 300,000 fans) will be released, exclusively distributed by Feiyr and Nova MD. He has already motivated millions of people with his inspiring stories.

Handelsblatt writes about him: “Biyon Kattilathu transmits wisdom and sayings on motivation on Facebook and YouTube - with huge success.”

Biyon is convinced that everyone is capable of developing their potential, regardless of age, background, social status or past. Biyon motivates with his inspiring stories. Whether young or old - his stories touch and encourage.

The audiobook is available in all major stores and can be pre-ordered now:
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