Feiyr News

South by Southwest 2014
In the middle of Austin, Texas the largest music festival and conference in the field of music, film and interactive in the western hemisphere will take place soon - the South by Southwest (SXSW)

It is festival, conference and exhibition in one and focuses the topics "Music, Film and Interactive".

Above all, it is also one of the most important platforms for the music industry and record c...
News about Spotify
> Spotify free on mobile and tablet

At a press conference in New York, Spotify announced important news:
The new Spotify Free is now available on most tablets and smartphones (Shuffle Play). Create or listen to your own playlists or to playlists of people whom you follow.

Expansion: Spotify is now available in 20 new territories.

> Spotify for artist
Musikmesse Frankfurt : Feiyr will be there
From the 12th to 15th March 2014, Frankfurt is the center of music friends again:

At the international Musikmesse (music fair) trade visitors, professional and amateur musicians can inform at around 1,300 exhibitors from all over the world about news around musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing, socialize and experience a colorful event program.

A key event is the exhibitio...
ADE'14: The Dates Are Set!
As a fresh new year full of possibilities and potential opens up ahead of us, ADE has set the dates for its 19th edition; this years edition will take place from the 15th - 19th of October.

Of course, Feiyr will also be there. If you would like to arrange an appointment with us, please contact us at an early stage:

Email: info@feiyr.com
New Statistics, ???, Classical Music
Zu Jahresbeginn haben wir gleich mehrere spannende Neuigkeiten aus dem Feiyr Universum, zu den Themen Hörspiele, Statistiken und Klassik für dich:

Neue Statistiken
In deinem Feiyr Account gibt es eine neue Funktion. Du kannst ab sofort in deinen Statistiken den Quartalsvergleich finden.
Dort kannst du sehen wie sich die Umsätze eines Quartals im V...
Midem 2014
From 1st February – 4th February 2014 the world largest music fair Midem will take place in Cannes.

It presents an extensive offer of music products and therefore a lot of businessmen, musicians and journalists from all over the world will be there.

Feiyr will also take part, visit us in Riviera Hall, R07.20.

If you want to arrange a meeting with us between 31st January and 03rd February 2014 please wri...