Der Musik Portal Partner von Feiyr Google Play startet an diesen Tagen seinen neuen Musik Streaming Dienst in Deutschland.
Mit Google Play Music All Inclusive kannst du ganz einfach neue Musik entdecken, anhören und mit anderen teilen, auf deinem Smartphone oder über das Internet.
Mit Google Play Music All Inclusive hast du unlimitierten Zugang auf über 20 Millionen Tracks und kannst weiter deinen eigenen Radiose...
For a long time you have the possibility to book creation of your own cover at Feiyr. As this feature is very popular, we wanted to make it even better.
From now on you have the choice between more than 30 million different images, whose resolution is much higher than before.
This allows our professional graphics team to achieve the best possible result for your cover artwork. Since the quality of your Cover, which i...
Feiyr is glad to announce that again one of our products / Labels made #1 in the iTunes charts.
It´s about the nursery rhyme album ‘Laterne, Laterne, leuchtet wie die Sterne (24 Laternenlieder und Martinslieder)’
by Tara G. Zintel, which has been published under the Label SEEBÄR.
The album contains the 24 most beautiful songs for the much-loved hand lantern procession.
This album does not only make childr...